SLR019 - Ruf Dug

"OK so I have been struggling for a while with describing the aesthetic that this mix is communicating. The placeholder for me has been post-balearic which is fine in my own internal vocabulary because I know what I mean but fuck me in the outer world it’s even more abstract a concept than the bloody B-word itself.
I’m coming at this from a few angles; Ibiza, obviously, but also Manchester, and that moody cyberpunk place where dub echoes fade into city smog. Gigs at the Salon Des Amateurs showed me the direct link between Baldelli’s cosmic tapes and all the wonky punky drums that spill out of Düsseldorf these days and I want to push the Balearic lineage that way.
But what to call it? It came to me this morning as I was washing the dishes listening to Klaus Weiss - it’s the BALEARIC-INDUSTRIAL-COMPLEX. Ur new favourite sound." Ruf Dug.